

  • Lucy is science fiction film. 
  • It is directed by Luc Besson. His direction was fabulous. 
  • The movie revolves around a woman who gains psychokinetic abilities when a drug is absorbed in her bloodstream. 
  • The story of the movie is amazing and very engaging. 
  • Lucy is 25 year old American studying in Taipie. She's been tricked into working as a drug mule by her boyfriend for a Korean drug lord. Her boyfriend is killed and she's been captured and a bag of drug;CPH4 is forcibly sewn into her abdomen. While Lucy is in captivity, one of her captors kicks her in the stomach, breaking the bag and releasing a large quantity of drug into her system. As a result, Lucy acquires increasingly enhanced mental and physical capabilities. This leads to use of brain at 100% capacity. 
  • Scarlett Johansson plays the lead role as Lucy and Morgan Freeman as Samuel Norman.
  • Scarlett was very great in her role. She lives out to her performance. 
  • Morgan didn't have much to show, but he was good. 
  • Crew did an incredible job. Visuals were outstanding . 
  • It was amazing to see, the use of brain beyond it's normal capacity. 
  • This 90 minute movie is brilliantly made. 
  • This movie becomes intresting with every passing second. 
  • You'd definitely love this one. 
Best Thing- Theme
IMDb 6.4


  1. I have watched this one, and the last point of description is true for me.
    Seeing "Natasha Roman'off'" as Lucy was worth my time.
    Thanks for the explanation.

  2. "I wish i could 100% of my brain!" I wont say that. Because i do it every time. So stupid people dont wish such things.


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