The Midnight Sky

The Midnight Sky is another science fiction on space. This movie is based after a cataclysmic event in 2049 which wipes out most of the Earth's population. This movie stars George Clooney and Felicity Jones in lead roles. 

The story revolves around a space team, Æther, which is sent on a mission to explore a habitable moon;K-23, and on a survived scientist who tries to reach out the the team to help and guide them with the conditions on Earth.

This movie is directed by our very own George Clooney, and to be honest, he is better at acting than direction. The way he showed the story, the way the events were happening isn't something to appreciate. Story isn't the weak part of the movie but they failed to represent it in an exciting manner. Felicity did good work, George was upto mark. Caoilinn (Young Iris), was show stealing. She could've melt the stones with her cuteness. Supporting actors were good altogether, especially Kyle Chandler. The best thing about the movie is CGI. The scenes of space and planets were eye-catchy. Luxurious rooms of spaceship were mesmerising and fun to see. 

Altogether, this 118 minute movie isn't an engaging one at times, but wouldn't be a bad treat to watch. 

IMDb 5.6


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