


  • Interstellar is an epic science fiction film. 
  • This movie is co-written, directed and produced by Christopher Nolan. 
  • Nolan is already very famous for making mind bending Sci-fi and Interstellar is no exception to this. 
  • He played with TIME again. 
  • Everyone is familiar with his style of filmmaking and direction.. If not, it is awesome👌👌. 
  • The story of the movie is unique, amazingly written and well presented on screen. 
  • Movie is set in dystopian future, where humanity is struggling to survive and then a group of astronauts goes through a wormhole in search of new residence for humanity. 
  • Yes, movie will be tough to understand (obviously, since its Nolan's movie).. There might be some scientific terms you never have heard  of. But don't worry, if you don't understand, you'll still enjoy it(as everyone does, including me, hehe). 
  • Movie is intresting. 
  • Matthew McConaughey plays the lead. He did his role perfectly. 
  • Supporting actors include big names like Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Michael Caine, Mackenzie Foy, Cassey Affleck, Wes Bentley, Matt Damon and Timothee Chalamet. 
  • All actors were great in their roles. 
  • Background score of the film is appropriate. 
  • CGI was amazing, especially the scenes of other planet.Editing is done very well. 
  • Film even won an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects (movie was also nominated in 4 other categories). 
  • Crew did a good job. 
  • Interstellar is a good art piece to watch. 

Best Thing - Story

IMDb 8.6

Time - 169 minutes 


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