Love & Other Drugs



  • Love & other drugs is a rom-com drama. 
  • This movie is directed by Edward Zwick. 
  • His direction was not so good. 
  • Story of the film is about a medicine peddler who gets into relationship with a girl suffering from a disease. 
  • Story is not so unique, infact I've seen alot of films with similar concept (and definitely those were better). 
  • Movie feels boring many times, especially in the start. 
  • Second half focuses on the 'love', these love-battles were engaging.
  • Initially film runs with carrying two sides of the character.. The professional one, and the personal one. And frankly speaking this was the biggest loophole in the film. It should have entirely focused on one of these, either the professional or the personal.. These two sides of the same person were not at all related. If felt like two different films are running together. Professional side was totally thoosi hui and wasn't required at all, in this romantic film. 
  • The parts about the lovers were very good. I would have really really liked if the whole film were about them and their struggles. They should have focused on this only. 
  • Jake Gyllenhaal and Anna Hathaway are leads and they were great. 
  • Anna was fantastic, whereas Jake would loose his grip at times. (I'd blame director for this). 
  • Background score is decent. Some was good, some was annoying. 
  • Supporting cast was good, which again could've been better. 
  • Unnecessary screen time was given to several characters. 
  • Movie had extra focus on the side characters which were not at all influencing the plot of the film, i.e love. Again, director's fault. 
  • Josh Gad had a good comic timing. 
  • Love & other drugs is a film which suffered coz of poor direction and storytelling. 
  • Literally, Jake and Anna were carrying this whole film and yet they were not given enough screen space as their characters needed. 
  • Movie would've been very very better if it was solely about Love. 

Best Thing - Anna-Jake

IMDb 6.7

My Rating - 6

Time - 112 minutes



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